Looking for a USB flash memory drive that’ll serve to confirm your geek status? This Segon Turbo USB Flash Drive, which has been styled to resemble a stick of DDR RAM will undoubtedly do just that and, far from being a novelty item, it even comes with decent enough read/write speeds to offer Windows ReadyBoost compatibility as well as a host of utility software.
Coming in 2GB and 4GB capacity flavours, the Segon Turbo USB Flash Drive, which measures in at a highly compact 29 x 15 x 4mm, comes with ‘USB push-pull design technology’ – or, to put it in a somewhat less flash way whilst chiselling in a tacky pun, it comes with a retracting connector – is supplied with partition and security, boot, flash mail, PC lock, bookmark and security folder software and will set you back just $12 and $20 for the 2GB and 4GB capacity versions.
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